Denise Csaky - The Firefly Moment

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the thing that keeps you from doing work you love

“You just have to ask him,” he told me.

Eyes closed, palms sweating, I took a really deep breath. Nodding to myself, I said, “You’re right. I’m terrified...but I’ll do it anyway.”

I hung up the phone, and walked down the hall toward my boss’s office.

At that moment about 15 years ago, I was a marketing director at a magazine and we had an important trade show coming up.

Simultaneously, I was at the tail-end of a coach training program which also had a required event…on the same weekend as the trade show.

I was in LOVE with the way coaching had dramatically changed my life, and I couldn’t WAIT to help others create these transformations, too.

But the moment I walked into my boss’s office, my life took a detour. In no uncertain terms, he told me that in order to keep my job, attending the trade show was a must.

So I made the safe choice, stayed at my job and put my coaching career on the back burner.

Fast forward to 2015.

I had just moved to San Diego for a fresh start and was determined NOT to fall into a job simply because it matched my resume. I knew that there was a career that was a better fit for me—and I was going to find it.

Of course, the idea of being a coach had continued to float in and out of my mind over the years.

But for reasons I can’t remember, that role didn’t felt like a real possibility for me. Instead, I’d push the idea away without any serious thought.

Then one day, as I was still considering my career transition, I spotted a decade-old document on my hard drive called Career Options for Me.

More curious than anything, I opened it, read the first bullet which read: “coaching women” and suddenly, it hit me.

I had been thinking about coaching for SO LONG. I was STILL thinking about it. And I realized that I would never STOP thinking about it.

So I signed up for another coach training program, finally got my certification and never looked back.

Now that I talk to so many women who are dealing with this same frustration of wanting to leave their job but not knowing where to go, I’ve learned something interesting.

Just about every single person knows, on some level, what it is that she’d LOVE to do. But there’s a block that prevents her from pursuing it.

It’s the fear of the unknown and of what terrible things may happen if you give it a shot.

It’s the limiting beliefs that tell you that you’re not good enough (in some way or another) to make it work successfully.

And worst of all? These fears and limiting beliefs can kick in before you ever even let yourself see what this work is. Before you can even seriously considered the possibility of giving it a chance.

Are you nodding along in agreement right now?

If so, how would it feel if you were able to get in touch with YOUR dream that you’ve tucked away?

What if you could get real about what’s kept you from giving it a go?

What if you could test out your idea in a fun, easy, no-risk way?

I can help - let’s chat. Sign up for a free consult in which we’ll talk about YOUR specific challenges and what might be possible for you.