Denise Csaky - The Firefly Moment

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What's my secret to creating serious transformation for my coaching clients?

You might call me a weirdo. 🤪 But here’s a little behind-the-scenes of what I’ll do during a coaching session, when it’s time to dive deep for some serious insight.

All of my calls are done online via Zoom. And I usually ask my client if she feels more comfortable with the video on or off.

It’s SUCH A JOY to see each other and get as close as possible to an in-person meeting! BUT, if I feel like we’re right on the verge of something really significant…I’ll turn off the video.

I then close my eyes and really concentrate both on what my client is saying, and on what my gut is telling me about where to go in that moment.

THIS is when the most transformational shifts happen.

When I don’t have to give any energy or awareness to my sense of sight, I can devote ALL that attention to deep listening and to my intuition.

In these moments, it feels like I’m tapping into a higher wisdom and channeling it through me.

(That may be the “weirdo” part of some of you. For me, it’s totally natural and normal 😉)

If you’re feeling trapped in your job and don’t know how to get out of there and into something you LOVE, I’ve got you.

Click here for a free consult—I’d love to learn about what’s going on for you.

Here for you, as always, 💗