Denise Csaky - The Firefly Moment

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What makes your heart melt?

As I was scrolling through my personal Instagram feed the other day, I rediscovered this photo of my baby girl, Maggie. It was taken several years ago, but it still makes my heart melt to see her as a little kitten!

Let's face it. We all have things in our lives that cause us stress, frustration and anxiety. Whether we realize it or not, these feelings often color outside the lines of the tension-creating situations, and bleed into other areas of our lives as well. In turn, they impact the way we perceive and handle all sorts of situations.

Think of an area of your life that makes you feel unsettled or upset. How could it change if you approached it from a different perspective? What if you came to it with some feelings of calm and centeredness already inside of you?

What makes YOUR heart melt? How can you anchor yourself to those things to bring yourself back into balance? How could this affect your overall outlook on your life? And in turn, the way you handle challenges?