Denise Csaky - The Firefly Moment

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Mindset over action equals success!

When it comes to attaining a goal, taking action IS super important. But what has to come first? Having the right mindset!

Beginning with self-defeating thoughts can shelf your dream before it's even started.

Believing that you can't do it, that you don't know how, that it's not possible (or whatever your flavor of fear is), creates a weak foundation for your plan of execution. One which will crumble beneath you. Yikes!

These sabotaging thoughts either hold you back or convince you to take an unproductive step—perhaps just to prove that you're self-doubt is the truth. ("See, I knew it wouldn't work!")

Maybe, so that you can say, "I tried..." and won't have to risk being vulnerable, uncomfortable and exposed again.

If you're nodding your head thinking, "Yes, this is me!" then let's chat. Let's talk about what's holding you back from even *thinking* that your dream is possible for you, yes? Because you know what? It IS possible 🙂

Click here to schedule a complimentary consult—with me!