Denise Csaky - The Firefly Moment

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Recognize the qualities—be open to the package

How can you make your dreams come true? Read on...

1) What do you want? Your desired object can be a life partner, a new house, a more fulfilling career, more peace--you get to choose what makes your heart sing!

2) Now take a moment to really visualize the specific qualities this dream will possess, and also how it will make you feel. Pick your favorite five from these qualities and feelings and write them down.

3) Recognize the qualities you desire when your wish comes to you, but be open to the package in which they get delivered. Keep your eyes open! It’s very possible that you’ll receive all, or at least most, of the items from your list, but they may arrive in a form that is different than what you pictured.

Amazing things are happening all around us, to us and for us. Take the time to notice them.