Denise Csaky - The Firefly Moment

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Would you settle for a 'meh' relationship? Then why would you settle for a 'meh' career?

Don’t get me wrong. It’s not like I hated every job I’ve had until now.

There were definitely things that I loved about each one.

I love the creative strategizing in marketing. Of collaborating with others to create just the right copy, design and details.

And I’ll always be a spa girl at heart!. I love the way a treatment centers and calms me. I love conversations about wellness with people who nerd out over ingredients and techniques like I do.

But even still, I always felt like there was something missing.

Kind of like when you’re dating someone “nice” and who looks good on paper, but with whom you can’t imagine going the distance.

When you find that special career, the one that uses your gifts that come effortlessly to you…the one that you’d do for free (and possibly already do)…the one that brings you deep satisfaction because it brings other JOY or improves their lives in some way…it feels TOTALLY different.

Would you devote your life to a partner who’s OK and checks the boxes, or would you want a relationship that feels deep, and real and so connected?

Are you satisfied with spending most of your waking hours doing something that’s OK and brings in a paycheck, or do you want to do something that fills your heart and feeds your soul?

I vote for the latter. 💗