Denise Csaky - The Firefly Moment

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Are you walking someone else's path?

One of the main things I focus on in my life (and in the lives of my clients) is living beyond the “shoulds.”

What I mean is breaking free from the way others are telling you to live your life or run your business, when it doesn’t feel right to you.

And instead, tuning into your OWN intuition and having the courage to follow what SHE’s telling you to do.

And yet sometimes it can be easy to forget this.

It can be easy to give our power over to someone else who “knows better” than we do about what’s right for us, and try to force things along their path.

But here’s the thing—following a path that’s not your own feels like paddling a canoe up stream.

You’ll use an awful lot of effort and energy yet go nowhere.

You *might* make a little progress, but it’ll feel like a game of one-step-forward-two-steps-back.

Either way, you won’t feel like you’re in your flow. You’ll feel helpless, frustrated and like there’s something wrong with you.

That’s no bueno.

So what’s a girl to do?

Get real with yourself. Be super honest about how much you’re putting into a situation and how much you’re getting back.

The idea of making a change can be scary. But I’m telling you, once you take a deep breath and let yourself go where your heart has been telling you to go, you’ll FEEL the difference.

You’ll rediscover your power, your inspiration and your motivation.

You’ll have more energy because all the extra energy you’ve used for going against the current will be freed up.

And things will change. The right action will HELP you make the change.

Do you feel like you’ve hit a brick wall that you can’t see? Let’s chat. Click here for a consult with me.