In a funk? Here are 30+ things to reset and remotivate, right now.

[If you’d rather have me read this to you, click here!]

Is it me? Or does it seem like there are a lot of people who are currently going through a rough patch? 

Whether it’s due to work stress, the winter weather or something more personal, if you’re in a funk then this is for you.

I’ve compiled a list of 30+ things that you can do straight away to lighten your mood and shift your energy.

Without further ado, here are 30+ things to reset and remotivate, right now:

  1. Drink some green tea or coffee.

  2. Go for a walk around the block.

  3. Light a scented candle or some incense—whatever you love. (The scent that makes my world right again is Lost Coast, a candle by Craft + Foster.)

  4. What music turns on your creative flow? My favorite is (the alpha chill channel, please!) I can’t seem to write without it these days.

  5. Open the windows for some fresh air. If it’s freezing outside, bundle up and fling them open for 10 minutes. The blast of oxygen will have you thinking right again.

  6. Put on your favorite upbeat songs and take a dance break. 

  7. Call a friend for a quick chat. It’s unbelievable how quickly this can lift your spirits.

  8. Do you have any unfinished online courses or motivational videos collecting dust in your inbox? Watch a lesson or two. Shifting your brain from something you’re trying to figure out, to absorbing some spoon-fed information can refill your empty mental cup.

  9. Put on a piece of jewelry you love.

  10. If you’re at home and able to do so, take a nap.

  11. What part of your life has become a little neglected? Do one thing that will give it some instant TLC.

  12. If you’re into crystals, grab your strongest one and hold it.

  13. Write out how you’re feeling in your journal or on your laptop. Are you feeling angry? Down? Anxious? Stressed out? Heartbroken? Lonely? Begin to digest and move that energy out of yourself by getting it onto a page.

  14. Change your environment. If you’re in your office, move to a conference room or a couch. Go to a coffee shop. Take your computer to a quiet hotel lobby, get a snack and try again.

  15. Have time for a workout? Take your favorite yoga or barre class. 

  16. Cuddle with your beloved pet. 

  17. What’s something small and easy that you quickly can tackle? Do that.

  18. Clean up your space (virtual or actual.)

  19. Get more comfortable. I’m a fan of sitting cross-legged in my desk chair and wearing something soft.

  20. Schedule some time with your favorite coach, therapist or healer (for a chat with me, click here:

  21. Book a massage or make plans for something later today that you can look forward to.

  22. Are you a travel junkie? Dream about the place you’d most like to visit by Googling images or lists of that location’s top things to do.

  23. Set a goal for just ONE thing you’d like to accomplish today and forget about the rest of your list.

  24. Decide on what delicious thing you’d like to have for lunch or dinner.

  25. Buy some fresh flowers for your desk. Pick the most beautiful and fragrant ones!

  26. Make a list of 20 things you’re grateful for. It’s amazing how adjusting your focus to what’s going right instead of what’s going wrong can re-energize you. Aim to identify a large-ish number of items—that’s when you can move beyond the obvious and notice things that go under the radar.

  27. Write out the names of people you appreciate having in your life, and how they brighten it.

  28. If you’re inside, go to a window, take in the natural light and the outside environment. 

  29. Go to a bookstore and flip through your favorite reads or magazines (mine are personal growth and cookbooks.)

  30. Indulge in a sweet treat.

  31. Check-in on and support someone else, or volunteer at your favorite organization.

  32. Sign up for a workshop or class in something that you’d LOVE to learn (not something you have to learn). Feng shui? Pottery? Cake decorating? Yes, please!

  33. Reach out to someone you enjoy but haven’t been in touch with for a while.

  34. Connect with someone you casually met at a work function that you’d like to get to know better.

  35. Join a meetup whose members appear to share your values and interests. 

  36. The only way out is through. Sometimes the best thing we can do to heal and clear our discomfort is to let ourselves fully pay attention to the feelings that are screaming for our attention. The beauty of this is that you can find an appropriate time and place to do this (such as from the comfort of your couch, in your sweats).

    Allow yourself a set amount of time to wallow in the emotions created by whatever’s bringing you down. Focus on your actual feelings—what are the physical sensations you’re experiencing and where in your body are they? Try not to associate any meaning to these feelings, just completely notice them without any judgment. Repeat this action again tomorrow if need be, until you feel emotionally clean again.

Let me know how it goes. If one of the items of this list really speaks to you, I’d love to hear about it. Feel free to message me directly and share it.

Here’s to feeling better, fast!

Denise Csaky, PCC