Denise Csaky - The Firefly Moment

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Six steps to break free from what's not working

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results."

This quote from Einstein is one of my absolute favorites. It's such a fabulous reminder for me every time I feel like my wheels are turning, and I'm getting nowhere.

It's bananas to think that when we keep doing what CLEARLY isn't working, that the same formula will magically produce a different answer. How is it that we get stuck in this kind of pattern, time and time again?

(If you've been following my other posts, I think you may know where I'm heading here...)

I think the main answer to this question is: Fear. With a little exhaustion and overwhelm thrown in.

Many of us have a fear of change. There can be a risk in trying something new. Along with this, perhaps, is that you feel so tired and drained from the energy you've already spent on your unsuccessful formula-for-success, that sometimes, it can feel like you just don't have it in you to start anew.

It's kind of like when you need to get to the subway station, which is a 20-minute walk, yet you've already invested 15 minutes waiting for the bus that will take you to the subway in five. When do you stop waiting for that bus, and just start walking? (New Yorkers: You can feel me, right?)

For me, (back in my city-living days) the tipping point was when I was cutting it too close to being late for work. That was when I knew I needed to start walking if I wanted to reach my goal of being at the office by 9am.

My priority was not to justify the time that I'd invested in waiting for the bus. My priority was in making my boss happy, which would make me happy, and set me up for a great day.

The next time you're facing a similar situation, try this:

  1. NOTICE that you're caught in this cycle. 

  2. STEP BACK and remember what your priority is. What is the end result that you're trying to accomplish?

  3. BE HONEST with yourself and identify what might be keeping you from trying something new.

  4. BRAINSTORM alternative options for getting you to your goal.

  5. CHOOSE YOUR FAVORITE option, and


Now is your time to bust yourself. In what area of your life are you putting in tons of effort and not achieving the results you desire? Why are you keeping yourself stuck in this place?

If you need to take a break and replenish your energy, that's OK. But then formulate a new plan and make it happen! You can do it. And you'll be so glad you did.