Denise Csaky - The Firefly Moment

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How to make a clear-headed decision during stressful times

Have you ever had the experience of feeling upset about something and then in the heat of the moment, making a decision that you’d later regret? 

Or when you felt so overwhelmed that you couldn’t deal with even THINKING about what you wanted to do? 

We’ve all been there. 

During these freak-out moments, your mind spins out of control, makes a lot of assumptions about what’s going on, and comes up with a plan to try and protect you. 

When you’re feeling anxious, angry or helpless, you often react to a situation from a place of fear, or of trying to prevent something from happening. But good news! When you can clear these emotions, your perspective shifts to one of peace and genuine empowerment. 

You're able to see the bigger picture and intentionally choose how you'd like to respond and create the best solution for yourself. 

Knee-jerk reactions disappear and suddenly, you can not only see more options, but you become certain of which one is right for you.

What gets YOU into flow and feeling like you lose track of time? Do THAT before making your next important decision.