Denise Csaky - The Firefly Moment

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Have a little faith!

I'm on a "have a little faith!" kick. Can you tell?😉 Lately, I've really been experiencing the beauty of living life in this way.

Faith is having complete trust or confidence in something, without having any tangible reason for doing so.

When my plans unexpectedly go off course, I find that going with the NEW flow actually brings me solutions to the problems I've been struggling with. It's so amazing and (dare I say) fun! Here's an example.

This last week, I've been having a bit of a health hiccup. I'll be fine, but as a result, I'm not able to do much work.

At first, I felt so frustrated with the situation and with myself. There are so many things I want to create and now, they have to be put on hold! I had to reschedule a trip to work with an inspiring mentor, and I was SO looking forward to it! Rats.

But very quickly, I realized that I wasn't being productive, and that the stress of it all was just delaying my healing. It was then that I reluctantly released into reality, and into the arms of Faith.

Once I let myself become absorbed with The Handmaid's Tale and forget about my tasks, I started getting clarity on issues I had been chewing on for a while. I even started seeing how I could make the projects I wanted to create even better.
This health issue wasn’t pushing my timeline back—it was helping me get even more focused and in the end, even more productive.

When your stress levels are reduced, calcified thoughts and habits are loosened. This allows for new things to make their way into your awareness. This is where magic happens! It's a gorgeous process.

Try it: Whenever your plans go awry, grab hands with Faith, take a deep breath and jump into that place you find uncomfortable. Chances are, you might be pleasantly surprised by the outcome.