Denise Csaky - The Firefly Moment

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You *DO* have a genius zone

Back in my corporate days, I had a manager, Rob, who was absolutely AMAZING at his job.

This guy was a total genius at ANYTHING marketing-related. The ideas that came out of his mouth, and the copy he wrote were seriously awe-inspiring…and we could all see it.

And then there was me. I did my best and I liked my work enough. But something was off.

I could sense that I wasn’t maximizing my potential and that there was something that I was better at than the marketing presentations I was creating.

I knew that I was the “Rob” of something! And I had a deep desire to find it and spend my days doing THAT. But I had NO idea how to go about making that transition.

Just thinking about it felt draining and confusing.

Instead, I’d just look for another marketing job, at which I’d do almost the same thing, only at a different company.

How many times have YOU thought about changing your career to something you’d love to do, but you didn’t even know where to begin?

So you’d scrap the whole idea, keep your steady job and not take action on anything new.

During my one-on-one coaching program, together we map out the smoothest way for you to transition from your current job, and set the foundation for what you want to create, all while keeping you sane and excited.

We figure out the when and the how, and we break down your fears and limiting beliefs for the strength and confidence to move forward.

We also identify what you NEED and how to give that to yourself, so that you can powerfully move through the changes.

How would that kind of support feel for you? If this is just what you’re looking for, get on my calendar for a consult here.

(P.S. - My manager’s name was not Rob. I changed it for his privacy 😉)