Denise Csaky - The Firefly Moment

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Four ideas to help you ease your way through the holidays.

'Tis the season to be jolly! But what if you're not?

Whether holiday tasks are weighing on you, or memories of a lost loved one are getting you down, this time of year is emotional for all of us.

What can we do to get through the next week as smoothly as possible? I have some ideas...

  1. Find the fun in what you're doing. Because that's what it's all about now, right? Fun, love, peace and joy? ðŸ˜‰

    If you're devoting hours to preparing a holiday meal, imagine your loved ones enjoying what you've made. If you're dreading the gift wrapping ahead of you, feel the warmth in your heart from your recipient's smile as s(he) opens your gift.
  2. Pick your priorities. If you have an ever-growing list of to-dos, parties to attend or decorations to hang—put that on pause for a second.

    What are the top three things that you really feel like you can't put aside? Are they doable? Let go of whatever else feels like too much.

    No one is going to benefit from something that feels like it was done out of obligation, and not out of delight.
  3. What are you grateful for? Yes, this is a favorite of mine!

    When your energy starts to wane, and you feel frustrated and overwhelmed, focusing on your blessings can raise your spirits. Truly.

    I love writing a gratitude list! However YOU do it, try to take a few moments to focus solely on this, so that you can really absorb what you notice.
  4. Practice extreme self-care. Give yourself the gift of getting your rest, drinking lots of water, and balancing out the sweets with nutritious foods 🙂 You'll enjoy your activities SO much more this way!

Remember the true intention of this season. Wishing you a magical time!