Denise Csaky - The Firefly Moment

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Not sure of what you want? Look at what makes you jealous.

Do you ever look at something someone else has and think that they’re so lucky?

Or that they have it so easy? To the point that you’re actually annoyed about it?

Believe it or not, this feeling of jealousy can actually be a GOOD thing.

Chances are, whatever that person has is something you want for yourself.

And now you have some clarity about a goal that you can set for yourself!

I can’t tell you how often I hear from women that they aren’t sure of WHAT they’d want to do if they could choose a different career.

But in my experience, we all know, deep down inside of ourselves, what we wish we could do.

It’s just been buried away, because we believe that we’re not able to do it. Seriously.

This is why one of the first things we do together in our coaching relationship is have you reconnect to what’s REALLY important to you, what makes YOU happy and what your core values are, so that you can DESIGN your vision of what you’d like to create.

And then, you have something to build on and work toward.

Something that really LIGHTS YOU UP  because it’s something you’re passionate about, which uses the gifts that come naturally to you, and which will feed you with energy to move through the challenges that come up for us all.

And this is only the tip of the iceberg…

If you’re ready to go deep and are curious about 1:1 coaching with me in my Exit Strategy Method, click here to get on my calendar for a consult.

I LOVE what I do, and can help you discover your passion as well.