Denise Csaky - The Firefly Moment

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If you're working your gift, keep going!

If you LOVE what you’re doing, deeply BELIEVE in it and know that you’re working your GIFT—keep going. Push through the obstacles and the naysayers! ESPECIALLY when you feel like no one’s getting it...or you.

I can’t tell you how many super duper success stories I’ve heard, where someone pushed just a little beyond the point at which they nearly gave up, to seemingly overnight, turn a massive corner and have their big breakthrough.

As a huge foodie, I can’t believe it’s taken me this long to watch Netflix's Chef's Table but I’m so glad I FINALLY checked it out.

Massimo Bottura‘s inspiring story reminded me of how it’s darkest before the dawn. His restaurant, Osteria Francescana has turned traditional Italian cuisine on its ear, and is currently considered the second best restaurant in the WORLD. Bravo!

Anyone up for a trip to Italy? ;)