Denise Csaky - The Firefly Moment

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Live the reality you wish to experience…Starting now…

How will you feel when you get what you want? Maybe you're searching for a life partner or are trying to pay off your mortgage. Perhaps you dream of starting your own business, or you're anxious to reach your ideal weight. What kinds of feelings do you imagine that reaching this goal will create for you? Is it safety? Freedom? Flexibility? Feeling attractive? What can you do to feel the way you want to, RIGHT NOW?

Chances are, you're chasing a feeling. That's OK! And by the way, this also doesn't mean that you should stop working for your dream. But by releasing the desire to have your dream fill you up, you release the pressure (and yes, the stress) that has made it harder for you to get there. Better yet, the negative energy used by worrying and beating yourself up, is now free for you to use toward reaching your goal. A win-win! Create you own reality now.