Denise Csaky - The Firefly Moment

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Love my salary, hate the culture...

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It’s the Catch-22 of the “golden handcuffs.”

You’ve worked hard to get your position.

But whether your company...

  • is struggling with pandemic-related adjustments

  • has recently gone through a leadership change

  • or you’re just waking up to the reality of a toxic situation

...your experience has shifted from one of collaboration and support to one of tension and conflict.

You’re left with an attractive paycheck, but also with ZERO energy, feeling MISALIGNED with your values and LACKING in support.

Because you’re grateful for your salary, you’ve been trying to roll with the punches.

But, this kind of environment is taking a HUGE toll on your wellbeing. And we can’t have that!

Whether you’re staying in your current role for its financial benefits, or you’re actively searching for a new job, one thing’s for sure. You need some relief, right now.

But what can you do?

First, let’s get clear on what company culture actually means.

Essentially, it’s the accepted way of thinking, communicating and engaging with people in and outside of your organization.

This can include the company’s vision, its values, norms, systems, language, beliefs and habits.

While these standards can be deeply embedded in the culture, there ARE some shifts you can make to create a positive ripple effect. Or at the VERY least, make your day-to-day more tolerable.

Here’s a formula to turn your tricky situation around.

If you’re comfortable with journaling, I recommend writing out your thoughts on the prompts below.

To begin, get yourself into an emotionally calm and mentally clear space.

(Taking three, full deep breaths is a quick and easy way to do this).

Doing this exercise from a place of self-connection lets you access your inner wisdom and come up with the most conscious, constructive and beneficial answers for you.


Take the situation that’s creating the most stress for you and consider the following:

STEP 1 - What is it SPECIFICALLY that’s upsetting you? Try to narrow this down to one thing - an event, the way you’re being treated, needing to speak up but not sure how, etc.

STEP 2 - What would the IDEAL version of this situation look and feel like? Rather than simply saying that you wish it WASN’T happening, what do you wish WAS happening instead?

STEP 3 - What would a WIN-WIN version of this be? Expanding your ideal version to how the other party will benefit, too, helps foster a calm and open discussion, while getting buy-in and support for your suggestion. For instance, if your client wants you to do something that you’re not able to, what alternatives can you offer that you’d be comfortable with and which would ALSO meet their needs?

STEP 4 - What ACTION will you take to initiate your win-win vision? Do you need to have a conversation with someone? Do you need to take the lead on starting something new? Do you need to set some boundaries on your work hours so that you can spend more time with your partner? Take this step within the next 48 hours (or as soon as you can).

If you’re feeling anxious about doing this, know that whatever answers you got for these prompts were coming from your own inner wisdom, which always has your back.

Think about how you’ll feel RIGHT after you’ve completed Step 4.

Will you feel lighter? More free? Happier?

Next, think about how you’ll feel one month from now if you DON’T take this step.

Will you feel frustrated? Stuck? Angry with yourself for not speaking up? Or projecting this anger onto the other party?

I’d suggest that just the act of doing something will help you feel better AND also give you more clarity around what does and doesn’t work for you. (A win-win!)

Reply to this message and let me know how it goes. I genuinely want to know.

Three cheers to you for taking care of yourself,