Denise Csaky - The Firefly Moment

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Why self-awareness is like buying a car

Let's talk about decision-making.

I know...this doesn't sound like the most exciting topic. But humor me if you will, with some 'car talk'. You'll see where I'm going with this pretty soon.

Imagine that the following is true about your car.

It has 200K miles on it. It's gotten a bit dinged up over the last decade-plus that you've owned it. It's started making some strange noises and is feeling a little hiccupy.

Yes, you and your car have had some good times together! But it's become clear that you need to part ways.

If you’re anything like me, chances are you’ll do a little research before buying a new one. You might wonder:

  • What kinds of features do cars come with these days anyway?

  • Which models have the features you love?

  • How did you feel during the test drive?

Then you’ll probably make a selection based on what you’ve discovered and what feels right.

Do you agree?

Now, let's look at how you make other decisions—ones which are more intimate and seemingly more obscure.

Let’s say you want to be happier. Or have more peace. Or maybe you want to feel like your life is making a DIFFERENCE in this world!

How do you even begin to create this for yourself?

The decision-making process for how to reach your personal goals, is essentially the same as how you pick out the right car. Only this time, the subject you'll be researching is YOU.

This self-awareness process involves getting really friendly with yourself and clear about things like:

  • What lights you up?

  • What are your needs?

  • What are you top core values?

  • What triggers you?

  • What makes you special and unique?

  • What scares you and why?

The beautiful thing is that once you know these vitally important things about yourself, you’re able to intentionally respond to something, instead of just unconsciously react to it.

Why is this? It's because you'll already know what's important to you. What's a deal-breaker. What's been holding you back. What's going to give you the energy to keep on going, even when things get tough.

Decisions made from this space feel right and good and healthy!

Better yet, when you keep making choices in this way, they lead you step-by-step to the life you want to lead.

The one that's just been WAITING for you to bring it to life, this whole time.

You’ll have more energy, more joy, more peace, more clarity, confidence and fulfillment. Before you know it, your life looks and feels SO different.

Now it's time to REALLY get excited!

With all this in mind, let me ask you:

  • What's the big challenge that you're trying to figure out at the moment?

  • What's the biggest block that's keeping you from moving forward and taking action

  • WHY is that in your way?

  • What do you need to do to clear it?

P.S. If you're feeling stuck and are not sure of what's keeping you from the life you want, let's chat. You can get on my calendar here.