Denise Csaky - The Firefly Moment

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How to pull the plug on your pointless frustration

Sometimes feeling frustrated can be EXACTLY what we need to move us into action and create much-needed change.

But have you ever had those moments when you’re trapped in an unproductive negative spin cycle? And these angry tapes just keep (pointlessly) looping around and around again in your mind? (I have! )

Take a second to get real. Consider: Are these feelings serving a greater good for myself? Or are they just draining me and bleeding into another area of my life, causing problems there?

If it’s the latter, what helps me break out of this pattern is to stop, and quickly think of something that I’m grateful for.

Okay, okay...I’ll often think of more than one thing...

As I do, my shoulders unshrug, a smile comes to my face and the tension in my chest releases.

What a relief! Try it the next time you feel this way.

If you want to take things a step further and go deeper with this, let’s chat! Just you and me, to see what’s going on and what you can do to truly pull yourself up and out of the muck. Click here for a free consult.