Denise Csaky - The Firefly Moment

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Where is your energy going?

Emotional and mental stress can be so draining. It can leave you feeling exhausted and with little energy to put toward things you love and want to grow. What you may not notice however, is how much stress from one area of your life can affect every OTHER part of your day!

By relieving this pressure, you can feel more vibrant, joyful and excited about life as a whole. And bonus: you'll have more of yourself to give at the gym, to your loved ones, to your personal project, etc., which in turn creates even more good vibes for you. What's not to love about that?

Are you curious to see if this really works? Identify one frustrating issue in your life—something that you think about a lot. What can you do today, to either completely eliminate or relieve that situation? Is it a conversation that you need to have? An appointment you need to make? Something you need to repair? Make sure to handle it, then notice what your energy level feels like over the next few days. Let me know how it goes!