Denise Csaky - The Firefly Moment

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Who do you need to be to achieve your goals?

Can you believe that we're almost a full month into 2018? Boy, does time fly. It seems like only last week we were flipping through Christmas songs on the radio, wishing friends, neighbors and store clerks happy holidays, and toasting to new beginnings at midnight.

Speaking of which, did you make any resolutions on New Year's Eve? If so, how have they been going for you?

Don't worry, I'm not here to beat you up if you fell off the wagon!

In fact, I heard that 40% of us make a resolution on New Year's, yet only 9% of us keep them.

Why is that? Why is it fairly easy to identify something that we want, but then we struggle with bringing it to life?


Here are three questions I focus on to help keep me on track:

  1. Why do I want it?
  2. What specific actions do I need to take?
  3. Who do I need to be in order to make this happen?



Let's say your resolution is to lose weight this year. Great! Why is that important to you? Maybe you have a big event coming up, and you want to look amazing.

Be open, and try deconstructing this a little bit. For instance:

  • What does "amazing" look like? (Wearing a form-fitting dress, manicured, hair in an updo...)
  • Why is it important to you that you look amazing for this event? (You'll be able to relax and enjoy the party, you'll be more open to meeting new people, someone you haven't seen in a while will be there...)
  • How will looking amazing make you feel? (Loved, seen, happy, connected to others, confident...)
Take all these pieces and create a vision out of them for what it will look and feel like when it's all come together. Hold onto this vision and let it be like a carrot at the end of a stick—the fuel that keeps you going!



Create a blueprint for reaching your goal! Make a detailed list of what you'll do to get there.

  • Get very precise on what your goal is, so that you'll know exactly what you're working toward. (Lose 15 lbs. by June 10th!)
  • What are the specific action steps you'll need to take? (Go to my favorite exercise class three times a week (Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays after work); drink green smoothies for breakfast every weekday; skip desserts (which I love!) except for Saturday nights; go for a hike with my friend, Jane, every Sunday morning at 10am...)
  • Does each task have a clear moment of completion so that you'll know when you can check it off your list?
  • Are these actions something you realistically can and will do?
  • When exactly will you do each one? Put it into your calendar! 



What obstacles might prevent you from your to-do list? What mental adjustments might you have to make in order to keep moving forward? 

Ask yourself, "W ho  do  I need to be in order to overcome these obstacles and achieve my goal?"

Recognize the importance of giving yourself this gift—that of going after what you want. Who do you need to be in order to get there? Maybe it's someone who:

  • Feels energized
  • Makes her health a priority
  • Values how amazing she feels after exercise
  • Cooks delicious, healthy meals
  • Has a good work/life balance so that she can maintain her workout routine

Important tip: Your who-I-need-to-be list is the foundation for your what-I-need-to-do list.

Feeling enthusiastic about   why you want to accomplish something, and having the right mindset, give you the boost you need to follow through on the actions you've decided to take.  Especially when you're feeling unmotivated!

Now I’ll ask you: What is one resolution that you’d really like to bring to life this year? Why do you want it? What actions do you need to take in order to make this happen? And perhaps more importantly, who do you need to be in so that you can make your dream a reality?