Denise Csaky - The Firefly Moment

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The secret to having that oh-so-coveted work/life balance

Ahhh, the holiday season...

Do you remember the good old days when you’d head to the mall to buy your presents? Or maybe it was to a city neighborhood with lots of cute gift shops?

I do.

I’d show up with my list in hand, broiling in my winter coat, my arms full of packages as I’d navigate the throngs of frustrated people who were all on the same mission.

After a few hours of this, I was basically useless for the rest of the day.

I’d feel irritated, like all of my energy had been used up, and I’d be in desperate need of some downtime.

This kind of experience reminds me of what some of my clients are going through when they first find me.

Yes, the primary reason they work with me is to get help with transitioning to a new career. But can you guess what their second most common problem is?

It’s struggling to find work/life balance.

Oftentimes, they’re stressed and teetering on the edge of burnout, which is understandable considering the fact that they're misaligned with their job and therefore, work drains them instead of filling them up.

They spend so much time doing this work that by the end of the day, they feel depleted and don’t have much time or energy for the things they love and which bring them joy.

Things like spending time with their partner, friends or family. Working out and taking care of their health.

They don’t even have it in them to lift their heads up long enough to see what they can do to get OUT of this exhausting cycle!

When your job involves doing tasks that aren’t in your zone of genius, or your values are in conflict with those of the company you work for, your life can feel very singularly focused and stressful.

On the other hand, the truth is that when you’re doing meaningful work you’re passionate about, your work/life balance problem evaporates.


Because when you so believe in and LOVE your work, it FILLS you instead of DRAINS you of energy. And because...wait for it...your job is FUN.

Could you use some pleasure and enjoyment in your career?

If so, then I’d like to invite you to a free consult with me. Let’s talk about your specific challenges and what might be possible for you.