Is this an act of self-love or self-sabotage? This is a good question to ask yourself when you're struggling with a decision. Please choose love and not sabotage.
Read MoreSometimes, the only thing your pain wants is to be seen. It can be tempting to try to distract ourselves from uncomfortable feelings. But as counter-intuitive as it may seem, you can actually find relief by stopping everything, allowing yourself to fully feel your emotions, and giving them your full attention.
Read MoreCreating a healthy boundary is like giving yourself a big hug. Imagine that! Direct some compassion inward and really feel that self-hug. Now think about what that boundary would look like so that you can genuinely feel at peace with the other person and with yourself. What would allow you to feel, think and act like "you" again? This is what a healthy boundary looks like--an expressed understanding with another person, which deflates the stress and pressure in your relationship and communications.
Read MoreDon't search for all the answers at once. A path is formed by laying one stone at a time. Doing your best with the "stone" you have at this moment can keep you from feeling stressed and overwhelmed. When you're finished with this stone, then focus on the next one.
Read MoreBeing authentic and whole-hearted can be hard. But not fully living your life is much harder. This alternative can feel passionless. Purposeless. Dull and uninspired. It can feel like you're stuck and living on auto-pilot. It can feel restless, hopeless and lead to feelings of regret and sadness. With this in mind, how big of a risk is it REALLY, to accept your truth and live it?
Read MoreAre you having fun yet? Seriously! Play time is energizing and inspiring. It feeds creativity and banishes stress. With less stress, you have more energy. With more energy and positive vibes, the stressful things seem less significant. You get the drift...go do something fun today!
Read MoreWhose goals are you working toward? Are you sure that they're yours? Or are they those of your family, partner or society? Are they dreams from the past that no longer resonate with you? Do your visions need to be updated to who you are and what you want today? I'm just wondering. Be true to you.
Read MoreAre you making a fear-based or conscious choice? Fear-based decisions give you the illusion of happiness and safety. They're usually done impulsively in an attempt to avoid dealing with something scary. However any satisfaction you get from this is likely to be short-lived. Give yourself the time to come back to a place of emotional balance, then honestly look at your options and how you feel about them. It's better to respond to something, than it is to react to it.
Read MoreOnce you've done it, it's no longer scary! Have you ever had this experience with something that put you out of your comfort zone? You felt anxious leading up to the situation, but then fear lost it's power over you after the event was over. .
What if you could shift your perspective leading up to the event and remember that after it's over, the fear will be gone as well? How would this change your energy and the way you handle the situation? And have you noticed that the very things that stretch you, often lead to the most growth? :)
When you leave no stone unturned, you leave no room for regrets later on. You won't have to worry about "what ifs." You'll feel light and free, and will be making a conscious decision instead of acting on assumptions, interpretations and impulses. In what area of your life can you apply this idea?
Read MoreThe best way to predict the future is to create it. First, identify what you want. Next, figure out what fears, limiting beliefs, assumptions and interpretations are holding you back. Let yourself see this, then work on shifting your perspective. Then, bring your vision to life by taking action. The action doesn’t have to be big all the time, but should be consistent in order to gain momentum and compound. Where do you see yourself along this path? 💗
Read MoreAre you looking at what's wrong? Or are you looking at what's right? Your perception of the same situation can either create more stress for you, or more gratitude and joy. Which do you prefer? If you're feeling tired, overwhelmed and maybe even a bit hopeless, try to look at what's going right in your life. Notice if your energy and mood change.
Read MoreSelf-intimacy is the map to creating what you want. The definition of intimacy is “a detailed knowledge or deep understanding of something.” With that said, how intimate are you with yourself? How honest and aware are you about your own truths, desires and needs? Cultivating a genuine relationship with yourself is essential in creating a life you can feel great about. Knowing who you are and what’s important to YOU at the core, is the first step in being able to bring it into your life.
Read MoreToday is Valentine's Day. The day we celebrate love. I'm all about loving others. But what about loving yourself up? How do you truly and deeply love the person staring back at you in the mirror?
Read MoreI don't know about you, but it's right around now when I begin feeling a bit tired of winter. Even here in Southern California! I miss sunshine and flip flops and warm breezes. It's easy to feel as gray as the clouds and pull into myself for warmth. Sometimes even my inner-spark wants to hibernate.
Since it's February, the month of passion, let's talk about these blah feelings. We want to be connected to our hearts, right? We want to know what we really want so that we can take action and make it happen. So what do we do when we feel blah and feel indifferent? How can we reconnect to our true passions? Here are 10 ideas.
Read MoreAs you're enjoying your festivities, give yourself the gift of awareness. When you're overtaken by bliss and peace, what physical sensations are you noticing? What's happening in your body?
Jot this down--even if it's on the back of a receipt or in your phone.
Read MoreSo now I ask you the same question. What is your definition success? Is it something that others can see? Having the nicer car? The bigger paycheck? The pat on the back? Or is it an expansion of your heart? Understanding something you couldn't before. A hug from someone you haven't seen in years.
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