Denise Csaky - The Firefly Moment

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Your unpursued desires will haunt you

I first learned about coaching in the early 2000s, after going through a really rough breakup. Coaching helped me see my world with new eyes and radically changed my life. I loved what it had done for me and couldn’t wait to share it with others!

I immediately entered into a coach training program, excited for my next chapter.

But life had other plans for me at that moment (that’s another story for another time!)

Fast forward to the present. While I now am a certified professional coach, it took me nearly 15 years to get here, from start to finish.

In between time though, my favorite part of any job (and any interaction) was having one-on-one personal conversations with people. Talking together to notice alternative options and healthier, more empowering solutions. Then finding the relief, exhaling and smiling when it became clear.

These moments fed my soul, and hopefully helped others as well.

Coaching never left me, and was always waiting for me to return to it. It reminds me of a quote by Honore de Balzac:

The vocations which we wanted to pursue but didn’t, bleed like colors on the whole of our existance.

What is that thing for you that is always just under the surface? That pops up into your awareness pretty regularly, but which you keep pushing back under?

It doesn’t have to be in the form of a career. But whatever it is, usually doesn’t go away until you pay attention to it.

Allow yourself to see what that thing is for you.