Communication is so important in ALL of our relationships. Being honest about who we are, what we need and what we want, minimizes stress and allows for a deeper connection and freedom, for both ourselves and those in our lives.
If this is true, then why do we sometimes have a hard time fully expressing ourselves?
I'm curious, what popped into your mind when you read that? What feeling rushed through your body? How often do feelings of worthiness dominate your brain (albeit, unconsciously)? I'll bet it's more than you realize.
Read MoreWhat would it take for you to view yourself the same way you'd see your best friend if she was running herself ragged? When will you take the same advice that you'd give to her? When will you give yourself a break?
Read MoreSometimes there's simply no room in your life for anything else. You're juggling so many plates that even the thought of making a tiny change can send you into a panic! How much longer can you keep going on full speed? How depleted do you have to get before you say "stop!"?
Read MoreHow do you show up in the world? What kinds of choices do you make about what you do for work, where you live, how you spend your free time, etc.? If you find yourself engaging in not-so-healthy behaviors to try and get some kind of pleasure from a frustrating day (hello, 3pm chocolate chip cookie!) If you have a fantasy about doing something "one day" that you can't seem to keep out of your head...
Read MoreAt a moment when I was feeling like a failure, this thought allowed me to relax into self-acceptance and self-compassion. We all feel and think differently. We can all create different meanings from the same situation. This is not only OK--it's totally normal.
Read MoreHave you fallen out of touch with yourself? Have you temporarily forgotten who you are and what you want? Do you currently see your options as being very limited? How can you reconnect to the true you?
Read MoreWe all have a gift to share. The beautiful thing is that not only does what we have to offer help others, but WE feel so good when we give it. We're reminded of our value and importance, and feel like we're making a difference. We feel energized, alive and gratified!
Wouldn't it be amazing if we all contributed what we had to offer?
Read MoreLet's face it. We all have things in our lives that cause us stress, frustration and anxiety. Whether we realize it or not, these feelings often color outside the lines of the tension-creating situations, and bleed into other areas of our lives as well. In turn, they impact the way we perceive and handle all sorts of situations.
Read MoreIf you're not loving something about your life...if you have a fantasy about doing something "one day"...if you're not showing up the way you want get to choose again.
Read MoreThis meme is a beautifully short-and-sweet description of how to live an unapologetically authentic life.
Sometimes, it can be tough listening to and taking action on what your intuition is whispering in your ear--especially if you feel the pressure of fitting into others' ideas of success. But tuning out these external messages can be a game-changer!
Read MoreHow will you feel when you get what you want? Maybe you're searching for a life partner or are trying to pay off your mortgage. Perhaps you dream of starting your own business, or you're anxious to reach your ideal weight. What kinds of feelings do you imagine that reaching this goal will create for you? Is it safety? Freedom? Flexibility? Feeling attractive? What can you do to feel the way you want to, RIGHT NOW?
Read MoreYour body knows more than you give it credit for. Your gut feelings are one way your intuition sends you messages about what's in alignment with your values and your path. It's like having your very own internal-compass, which focuses solely on your best interests. How amazing is that?
How can you use the information your body gives you to make unapologetically authentic choices? Ones which deeply resonate with what YOU really want? Read on to find out...
Read MoreI got some pretty disturbing news yesterday. The kind of game-changing information that catches you off-guard and creates feelings of fear, helplessness and shock. After sitting for a while with some yucky swirling emotions (and allowing myself to be there), I woke up this morning and reminded myself of what helps me find balance in these kinds of situations. Perhaps it can give you some relief too, if you're feeling knocked off your feet.
Read MoreEmotional and mental stress can be so draining. It can leave you feeling exhausted and with little energy to put toward things you love and want to grow. What you may not notice however, is how much stress from one area of your life can affect every OTHER part of your day!
Are you curious to learn more?
Being authentic is the only way to truly live. If you can't express how you genuinely feel, what you really think or do the things you love, you are merely existing, dear one.
Read MoreHow to make your dreams come true! Read on for three get-real steps...
Read MoreDuring times when I seem to have an endless list of to-dos which all seem like a priority, it's time for me to be honest about what my real priorities are—the ones that are visible and on the surface, but especially the hidden ones which, let's face it, are really running the show.
Read MoreMistakes are your friend. They help you grow. And growth is a good thing. If your action turns out to be a "mistake"...well, won't you have gained something from it regardless?
Read MoreDon't give up, friends. Don't lose sight of your dream. Becoming skilled at anything will involve a learning curve. You've probably heard the idea that every expert starts as a beginner.
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