Do you ever get so burnt out and drained because you feel like you have to take care of everything yourself? (And you actually TRY to handle it all?)
Be honest: Do you at least semi-believe that if you find the right angle, you can control the outcome to a challenging situation?
"What is REAL?" the Velveteen Rabbit asked the Skin Horse one day. "Does it mean having things that buzz inside you and a stick-out handle?"
Read MoreNot having your needs met creates stress and fatigue as you try to find work-arounds. And as you may have noticed, sources of stress in one area of your life tend to bleed into other areas, and deplete your overall levels of energy and happiness.
Read MoreThe things you say and do are symbols of who you are, and we look for those symbols so we can find people who believe what we believe.
Read MoreOftentimes, we know that we need to make a new choice because we're not happy with our current situation. But how do we begin to make this change?
Read MoreIf you're not familiar with gratitude lists, creating them is a really, really wonderful way of shifting your perspective in order to appreciate what's going WELL in your life...and hopefully help you create more of it. It can move you into a more positive mindset, help you feel at-peace, open-hearted and in-balance.
Read MoreIt's said that the greatest fear we have is of the unknown. The anxiety we experience when we don't know what to expect, is often the thing that keeps us from taking a chance on what we want.
Read MoreWe have a pretty finite amount of time and energy that we can give to people, tasks and situations in our life. One thought I come back to again and again is: what needs to be done to clear out the old, in order to let in the new?
Read MoreYou can’t make everyone happy all the time, but you need to be true to what’s important to you.
Read MoreSometimes I forget how healing this practice can be. Then I grab my book and my pen and ahhh...freedom 💗
Read MoreWhen was the last time you felt like you were in flow? As if there were no obstacles you couldn’t face?
Read MoreFeeling stuck, are you? Do you keep turning the same problem over and over again in your mind? Do you have a past event playing on repeat throughout the day?
Have you ever had a time in your life when you’re pushing yourself really hard? Maybe there’s a goal you want to accomplish. Or a life-change is sucking up a ton of your time, energy and attention. You’re really committed to taking on this challenge. (Yay!) But then after a while of pushing forward, you start feeling really tired.
Read MoreWhat is that thing for you that is always just under the surface? That pops up into your awareness pretty regularly, but which you keep pushing back under?
Read MoreI’m the kind of person who sets her sights on something, and then dives into making it happen.
I’m really in-tune with the feelings I get in my body when my intuition is saying “yes!” Once that happens, I can’t wait to bring an idea to life.
How did you feel this morning when you woke up? Were you excited to hop out of bed and over to your computer, ready to flesh out the new ideas you had come up with? 😃 Or did you pull the covers over your head, as a stomachache started to form and a feeling of dread washed over you?
Read MoreHaving a dream for the future is just a fantasy, until you start taking action toward making it happen. What do you REALLY want? And what’s standing in the way of you creating it?
Read MoreYou have the ability to make something new. To change your life and someone else’s. To be who you KNOW you are. Reveal yourself! Let us see who you really are.
Read MoreI see you. You get things done. You’re the go-to person when someone needs help. And usually, you’re happy to do it. But where do you fit into that equation?
Read MoreSo you're talking to your friend. She's telling you about a challenge she's currently facing. She's feeling stuck, confused and frustrated and you're trying to help.
Later on, you realize that you're actually going through something very similar. (Life is funny that way!) Do you take your own advice? Why is it so much easier for us to see another person's situation more clearly than our own?